Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I occasionally have the privilege of taking pictures for high school seniors. I even have the privilege of taking pictures for families and couples. Even though this is not a business, this is what I will charge for portraits.

Package A
24 Wallets*

Package B
4 Poses
3- 5x7
56 Wallets*

Package C
6 Poses

**If you would rather, Seniors may choose a second option.** 6 Poses on a CD. I will put the Images on a CD and you can print as many as you want, wherever you want
for a flat fee of $200


Package A
2 Poses

16 Wallets*

Package B
4 Poses
24 Wallets*

**If you would rather, Couples/families may choose a second option.** 5 Poses on a CD. I will put the Images on a CD and you can print as many as you want, wherever you want for a flat fee of $100

* Wallets are printed in pairs of 8. That means 8 Wallets of the same pose. Please remember that when ordering.

All pricing and packages include 4x6 printed proofs.

All final prints will be printed at a professional printing lab.
All Photos, Prints, and Images will have my "JP" watermark in the corner.

Below are samples of a few portraits:

Call 503.428.2099 To book your photo shoot.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

8 Years Ago. . .

We all know that September 11, 2001 changed this country forever. Some believe it was an inside job, some believe it was a group of terrorists. It doesn't matter what your belief is or what side you stand on, that day changed America forever. The least we can do is show a little respect for the innocent who died.

In September of 2006, there were flags on display in Riverfront Park in downtown Salem in memory of those who lost their lives on that day. The flags, all 20,000 of them, were set up in the shape of the Twin Towers buildings at the World Trade Center. It was really cool to see.

My cousin and I were there to take pictures of what was on display.
Here are a few photos from what we got.

Monday, September 7, 2009

My First Post!

This is my first post... Nothing too special. I guess I'm just trying this out. I'm going to try to post my older work first, then work towards my new stuff with the purpose of you seeing my improvements over the years. I've got a lot of posting to do

Here I've posted a few photos as a simple sample.

This was taken in Portland, Oregon in 2006 about one block outside of Pioneer Courthouse Square. My cousin and I went there for different shots but ended up with these types of shots too... these just turned out better.

This is the Steel Bridge in Portland three years ago. Again, my cousin and I went up there specifically for these types of shots and they came out amazing!

Here is a shot of the Portland cityscape on the same night of the picture above. Just about every picture from that night turned out amazing.

Thanks for looking at my new post. Be sure to check back often for new updates and better pictures.